Let's play music - How to create music ensembles in schools
Course Price
350 euros
Course length
35 Hours

Maria Demosthenous
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About the course
This course is designed for educators who teach music in primary schools and they want to learn how to teach musical instruments and singing so they can create their music ensembles at the school.
To learn practical techniques that can easily be applied in a group of primary school students
To learn how to read music notation
To learn how to play school musical instruments
To provide theoretical and empirical experiences in Music Teaching according to the famous music pedagogues
To enhance the Teacher's musicality that will empower them to create more music with their students
To learn how a music lesson can be set up
To learn how a music ensemble is set up
To learn how to choose the right repertoire for a music ensembles
To learn how to develop orchestration of songs
To create a network for future projects
A variety of methods will be implemented in order to give both theoretical and practical support to the teachers. The participants will have the opportunity to participate in lectures, workshops, one 2 one lessons, team activities and music ensembles in order to an integrated training.
Day to Day Schedule
Day 1
Ice breaking activities
Importance of music education in schools
Day 2
Basic elements of music
How can we teach music notation to children
Day 3
Body percussion and Percussion instruments; how to play and ways to use them in ensembles
How to play and teach the recorder?
Day 4
How to play the recorder
How to play the ukele
Day 5
How to make orchestrations for music ensembles?
How to choose the repertoire for music shows.
Dates of courses 2020
6 -10 April
2 - 6 November
Dates of courses 2021
5 - 9 April
23 - 27 August
15 -19 November