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The Full Story

Since I was a child, I have always been admiring Gospel Choirs. My friendship with Isaac (Bigyoss), a musician from Cameroon, and my personal relationships with many migrants from Africa in Cyprus,  leaded to the creation of the of incorporating a Gospel Choir in our school's curriculum. 

I said to myself, "What a better way to learn from the experts?". So, I decided to create a gospel choir for adults in which everyone is welcome, no matter the political, religious or socioeconomic background. 

Everyone who enjoys gospel music is very welcome to join this group!

Maria Demosthenous

Founder and Director of A.Mus.Ed

Gospel Group


Gospel Music is a genre of Christian music, but, nowadays is performed for various purposes, such as entertainment. It is based on the call and response fashion. Gospel music has many different versions and is worldwide known in various forms. 

Sing in a choir speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and heals the heart! 

Group Hug


This choir is set up to support multiculturalism through music. We envision therefore to create a multicultural adult choir that will perform at various events in Cyprus and in cooperation with other local choirs or music ensembles.

Previous music knowledge is not essential! The only ingredient needed is your love to sing and your commitment to join the weekly rehearsals. 

Want to Join? Fill up the registration form and we will get back to you soon with all the info you require!



Souliou 4, 2018, Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus

©2017 Trademark Amused Music

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