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M2-Cm is the acronym of the words Maths, Music and Creative Movement. This is a project funded by Erasmus+ (ID 2021-1-SE01-KA220-SCH-000032733). The implementation of the project started on November 1st 2021. 

Reviewing the Law


Teacher's Guide

This Teachers’ Guide will include research done that proves the relevance as also the importance of music and creative movement integration in Math in the field of STEAM approach. Further, it will transfer to the teachers the general theoretical knowledge of
Music and Movement that matches to Mathematical concepts as also the historical connections of these three subjects.

Press here to visit the Guide (Greek and English available).


Online networking and e-learning platform

Working From Home

An innovative contribution to lifelong learning will be introduced through the online support platform, during the course of the project and one year after the implementation of the project, by the experts in music and creative movement.

Press here to visit the Online Platform


Repository of Activities and other resources for teachers

The aim of this Project Result is to create a repository of activities that can be implemented in real and digital classrooms and will be created by music and creative movement experts.
AMusEd will lead this Production of Project Result. The activities will be developed and analyzed in three categories as follows:

1)Songs for memorizing Mathematical elements and theory.

2)Music and creative movement techniques that are directly connected with Mathematical concepts. Special emphasis will be given in collection of traditional dances and melodies from participating countries to enhance intercultural learning.

3)Music and creative movement techniques that are not directly connected with Mathematical concepts but positively affect other factors that contribute to the learning procedure.

Write on the blackboard



Souliou 4, 2018, Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus

©2017 Trademark Amused Music

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